By Dolly and Juginder Luthra, Weirton, WV
Note: Last autumn, I followed a set of deciduous trees taking daily pictures to track their color change, and posted 20 of these daily pictures on-line to show their transitions: The three pictures shown below are from these pictures posted on-line. Dolly & Juginder Luthra, after seeing the trees in transition on-line, sent the poem they had written sometime ago inspired by a similar scene. — By Kollengode S Venkataraman.

Relations are seasons, changing each moment, every month
Spent days n nights together — now on own paths
Buds yesterday, then flowers bloomed, withered by sunshine
Couldn’t tolerate the blistering heat; then nervously Fall arrived
Scattered green, red & yellow, the intoxicated youthful colors faded
Colorless they wound up, staying connected with their mother
Came one gust of cold wind, all relations weakened
Some first others later, all got shaken
And the garden’s body decorated by faded colored leaves
Cried branches from above, drawing tears from dew
First ray of sunshine, sent blessings — drip drip drip
“Felt very good when you were with me
Asked God for your joy, may you live forever
Change is way of life, you always must remember
This shiny body, one day will weaken
Silently slowly this color will keep changing
One day gardener will come when you’re fully dry
Piled into a heap, you will burn in front of my eyes
Not too long ago, I hid you in my lap; now you become ashes
Black clouds become teardrops, and caress your pyre
Don’t worry or cry, my children, roots will look for you
Mixing with rain water, they will hide you inside my bosom
After bitter cold surely we will meet again
In new spring, in new form, we will bloom again
For centuries this play of nature will go on
One who came, left, then returns in altered garb
Don’t be overjoyed in Spring — nor cry in Fall
Never forget in your heart, you’re my body part.